
Hi! I'm Varad Srivastava

I studied the brain, mind and A.I. @IIT Delhi. Now, I work on AI/ML, LLMs and Behavioural Models @Barclays.

Resume available on request.

Contact me here!

Email: varadsrivastava.iitdelhi@gmail.com

What i do

My Research

Computational Neuroscience

Cognitive Science

Artificial Intelligence

Computational Modelling

Natural Language Processing

Computer Vision

Asking "Why"

Morality and Dreams

Biologically Plausible A.I.


Checkout a few of my works


Do humans empathize with socially interacting shapes?

Worked on Social Cognition aspect of the Human Connectome Project under Dr. Marlene Cohen (CMU and University of Pittsburgh) and Dr. Laura Mikula (York University)

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Covid-19 Smart A.I. Diagnosis System

Awarded as “Innovative Implementable Idea” award by CDAC (Ministry of Electronics and IT) and Nvidia

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How Spike based Neuromorphic Computing can help monitor Social Distancing Effeciently?

Poster Presented at IEEE Brain sponsored Neuromatch 2.0 Conference on Computational Neuroscience (May, 2020)

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Energy Efficient Search and Rescue

An application of my research on Edge Computing.

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Some of My Achievements

11th National Cyber Olympiad

All India Rank : 669

12th National Cyber Olympiad

All India Rank : 298

13th National Cyber Olympiad

All India Rank : 858

3rd International Mathematics Olympiad

All India Rank : 1298

5th International Mathematics Olympiad

All India Rank : 828

6th International Mathematics Olympiad

All India Rank : 681

11th National Science Olympiad

All India Rank : 624

14th National Science Olympiad

All India Rank : 1419

15th National Science Olympiad

All India Rank : 159

National Level Science Talent Search Examination 2011

All India Rank : 1314

National Level Science Talent Search Examination 2013

All India Rank : 1930

National Level Science Talent Search Examination 2014

All India Rank : 1210

National Level Science Talent Search Examination 2008

All India Rank : 613

National Level Science Talent Search Examination 2009

All India Rank : 346

IIT Bombay FOSSEE Fellowship 2019


IIT Jodhpur Undergraduate Research Initiative 2019


Game of Numbers

I have lost track of the exact count

Lines of Code(k) 0
Project done 0
Cups of coffee 0

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