Student Learning Assistance Device for Specially Abled

Partially Completed



Education plays a vital role in the overall development of the country. It not only contributes to the socio-economic growth but also help the country step closer to its dream of an egalitarian society. With flagship programs such as the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, the government has introduced provisions of judicious quality elementary education for all. However, people with special needs face difficulties in availing the opportunities accessible to them. To facilitate them, a SLA (Smart Learning Assistant) tool is envisaged which can cater to their specific needs in the classroom teaching and hence can empower them to play a vital role in the overall nation building. Many commercial products are available in the market for assistance of the differently abled but, these products are operative on devices like laptops and smart phones which are often very costly and are beyond the reach of major section of the society. Usage of laptops furthermore makes these products very bulky for the differently abled. In this effort, a cost-effective SLA tool supported by Android Platform is proposed to appease the needs of visual, hearing or speech impaired students.


  • Android Studio

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